What is MIS?

The Market Price Information System (MIS) a voice-based system that provides market price information in English and five local languages: Wollof, Mandinka, Fula, Jola, and Serehuleh. It consists of two main modules: the data collection module and the data dissemination module. The data collection module uses an Android mobile app and a web interface for inputting market prices, requiring literate users. The dissemination module utilizes a cloud PBX to handle incoming calls from subscribers, providing market prices for specified crops, markets, and languages based on the caller's registration details. MIS covers 21 markets across the country and provides prices for 14 major crops and vegetables, including tomato, onion, cabbage, various peppers, okra, eggplant, sweet potato, cowpea, roselle, amaranth, and local rice.

Overall objective: To enable vegetable producers (particularly women) to have an affordable and sustainable market price information, climate advisory information and a business service development to improve agricultural production and productivity. 

Ways to Register

  1. People or Farmers in the regions who wish to register can contact the Marketing federation in their regions.
  2. The public can also register by click this registartion link and fill the form and submit
  3. Those who also wish to register can call or send SMS to the MIS Support number 3695000

How to access the Market price Information

  1. Voice Call - Registered users can access the latest market prices by making a phone call to the cell phone number of the MIS 3000021.
  2. WhatsApp Chatbot - Registered users can also use WhatsApp to access market price by send hi messages to the MIS WhatApps number 7304370

Climate component
The new MIS also has this component to be disseminating voice based climate information to farmers in the local languages.

How the System Works: Initially we went to gardens across the country and allow the garden members to identity their facilitators and the profiles of these facilitators were recorded. The facilitators also did specified the crops, Markets and the Language they want to communicate with the system. Their information were then entered into the system. The Market Price collectors goes to their designated markets on a weekly base and send the latest market price to the system via their Mobile App. The facilitators can call the phone number of the system at any time to know the market prices. Garden members can also go to their facilitators for the facilitators to call the system for them to know the market prices.